From the earliest days of our church, Rublev’s Icon of the Trinity with its theme of Divine presence and hosptiality became something of an emblem for St. Abraham’s.
The Icon depicts the three angels who are described in the book of Genesis (18:1-15) as visiting Abraham and his wife Sarah. The angels are shown seated under the oak of Mamre in front of the house of Abraham, about to share the meal, which Abraham had prepared for them. So the scene speaks immediately of hospitality, a value that is so valued in this part of the world. We would like our church of St. Abraham to be a place of welcome for all.
In the three angels was also seen a symbol or representation of the Three persons in the One God. The Unity of God is shown by the circle which the three figures form. Even more clearly they are united as one, in the glance of love which passes between them. On the left is the Father in his glittering cloak, which obscures his true form. Under the tree in the center is Jesus, the Word of God. Jesus indicates his human and divine nature with his hand and also points to the lamb of sacrifice in the communion dish in the center of the table, reminding us of his own sacrifice on the cross. On the right is the Spirit of God. He wears a green garment outside the eternal blue. The green reminds us that he is life-giving and makes us young again with his spirit of life. There is an empty place at the table, it is a place left vacant for you. You are invited to join in the life of the Trinity. The life of the Trinity is at the heart of the Church and all our work begins and ends in this love in God and God’s love for us. It is the very life of the House of Abraham.
Recently a copy of this Icon in ceramic was made in the city of Hamadan for the church and this has been installed in an alcove inside the entrance gate. Making the ceramic was a difficult operation as the firing in the furnace changes the colours. Eventually after five attempts the colours came out right!
